News Coverage
Read the featured articles below to learn about the challenges we're tackling, the partnerships we're building, and the strides we're making toward a healthier Arkansas River. Each story is a testament to the power of collective action and the positive impact we're creating together.

Orphan oil wells litter riverbed of the Arkansas
April 8, 2024
Arthur says disbelief is a common reaction when he's tried to raise awareness about the issue.
"It's just funny to me that people don’t believe me when I tell them there’s old wells like this in the Arkansas river, and they say, 'Well, it’s probably not actually an old oil well, it’s something else.' I’m like, 'Is this something else?,'" he said.
A conversation with Barbara Van Hanken, co-founder of Tulsa Area Arkansas River Advocates (TAARA)
KWGS Studio Tulsa
June 28, 2023
As the construction work and corresponding land/water/property redesign continue along the Arkansas River's low-water dam and Zink Lake site, roughly near Riverside Drive and 31st Street here in Tulsa, a new environmental-advocacy group is calling for more and better (and more transparent) water testing in the river.
KRMG In-Depth: Groups bring concerns about Zink Lake safety, economic impact to city council
KRMG In-Depth
May 30, 2023
Our primary goal here is to educate the public, and suggest pathways forward to prevent economic and environmental catastrophes (with regard to) some of the projects that have been green-lit. We need to be careful not to minimize the concerns of the contaminants, because this body of water has not been tested.

"We forget that the water cycle and the life cycle are one"
-Jacques Yves Cousteau