The Zink Lake/Dam and Flume has opened as scheduled despite the overnight rains that caused some issues with the surge of Ecoli bacteria growth above safe levels. This caused the flume to be closed on Sunday. Coincidentally, these same rain issues were also front and center at the Summer Olympics in Paris. The Olympic triathlon swim race was canceled a few days for the concerns of a surge in the bacteria level in the Seine River following intense rain events. The officials took this threat of illness seriously, however several Triathlon swimmers did get ill in the following days.
Lots of people attended a long list of entertainment options during the weekend and those that experienced these events seemed to enjoy it. It was reported that the Great Raft Race was another success story.

Sierra Club members and TAARA members worked together on a wildlife of the Arkansas River activity. We were passing out free masks of animals representative of those that have been natural to the Arkansas River near Tulsa. We felt it was important to share with young people a take-away of information they could share about the animal they were representing while having fun! Inside the masks were fun facts about that animal represented. We hope they will look for the wildlife when it returns along the riverine area.
Unfortunately there was one very serious incident where a young man entered the water without any safety vest on and was swept down the flume with a brave rescuer. They were both pulled out at the third flume area. The Tulsa Fire Department came to transfer the young man to the hospital for treatment and the rescuers were treated on site and found okay. Wearing life vests is critical when you are recreating in or near the water.
The current River Parks Authority is clear that when visiting the Arkansas River area, you use the park “at your own risk!” The RPA does not provide any safety or emergency communications or patrols around Zink Lake, the Zink Dam, the Flume runs or anywhere at River Parks area.